Sunday, October 2, 2011


Today was kind of a dissapointment. In the morning, I wanted to study, as my exams are up real soon. But, I kind of gave in to the distractions around me and did not manage to study much. It's been long since i blog, and I really want to cultivate that habit of blogging.

I also recently, fallen in love with a girl. It maybe an infactuation, but at least, it gives me the motivation I need. So let me infatuate till the end of my exams.:D Anyways, good luck to those having their having their exams too.. ALL THE BEST!:)


Thursday, June 9, 2011


Sup.. its been a year since i wrote anything on this blog.. hmm.. i doubt anyone would ever visit this blog, but i will continue to post stuff here.. anyways, today i went to the LAN shop.. i trained my maplestory account there for the whole day.. mananged to level up 4 times.. it was quite satisfying.. after that, i went to NEX to have a quick bite.. met up with some off my friends and chit chat awhile.. after that, i went arcade to do some stupid stuff.. to cut the whole story short, i was very pissed overall cause i don't bloody know why the fuck i spent $40 today.. THE END :)


Friday, May 28, 2010


lol...long time no simply too lazy to post anything...>.< pre-occupied by comp time do other maple evan out le and i trained it to lvl 3x...quite eazy train la...but th only bad thing is th dmg suck...recently, my dota skills improve by damn alot and im very happy...haiz now going to eat lunch have given up hope...its nvr gonna come shall always stay as a dream...


Thursday, April 8, 2010

conguency and similairity

conguency and similairity

conguency and similairity

conguency and similairity

foolishly in love

  • an asshole
  • 14 currently studying at yuying sec
  • Damian Quek is the name
  • i love to sleep

The Past

speak your mind