Thursday, June 9, 2011


Sup.. its been a year since i wrote anything on this blog.. hmm.. i doubt anyone would ever visit this blog, but i will continue to post stuff here.. anyways, today i went to the LAN shop.. i trained my maplestory account there for the whole day.. mananged to level up 4 times.. it was quite satisfying.. after that, i went to NEX to have a quick bite.. met up with some off my friends and chit chat awhile.. after that, i went arcade to do some stupid stuff.. to cut the whole story short, i was very pissed overall cause i don't bloody know why the fuck i spent $40 today.. THE END :)


foolishly in love

  • an asshole
  • 14 currently studying at yuying sec
  • Damian Quek is the name
  • i love to sleep

The Past

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